The outside world has introduced itself to the Yawanawá tribe. There is no way to prevent this outside influence from taking shape over time. What that shape looks like is dependent upon the seeds that are planted. Our goal is to shape the exposure of technology by steering it toward Quality-of-Life needs, providing essential resources to the Yawanawá way of life, preserving the land and their heritage while providing the means to be independent of the outside world.

Sustainable Energy

Solar kits will provide clean, solar power for over 180 families. The kits will provide each residence with standalone power for domestic use day and night, including charging domestic batteries.

Clean Water

Each Yawanawá village will have a new water well drilled and a solar powered reservoir & filtration system installed.

Alternative Transportation

Fuel has to be transported thousands of kilometers for use in Indigenous territories and represents their largest living expense. A Solar Power Bank will be installed to charge portable batteries. New electric outboards that utilize these batteries will eliminate pollution as well as the need to import fuel from faraway sources.

Plant Medicine Garden

95% of the plants in the Amazon have not been classified. A garden to house medicinal plants used by the Yawanawá will assist with treating health issues and provide a safe solution for cultural education, harvesting medicinal supplies and ethnobotanical preservation.

Education Platforms

Financing the construction of a school and cafeteria is already underway. The school creates a venue for cultural preservation and passing on ancient wisdom through generations. The school will provide a space for protecting cultural pride and identity, while the cafeteria will provide a space for healthy and hearty solar-power cooked meals.

Economic Independence

Fuel has been the greatest financial strain on indigenous villages in the Amazon. By eliminating the need to import diesel, gasoline and propane fuels, Yawanawá will have the opportunity to flourish financially by focusing on tourism, arts and production of local goods.

Eco Tourism

The journey to the Yawanawá is long and strenuous, including many hours of travel by air, land and river. Phase one of the New Hope Project will include acquiring real estate in the nearest town of Cruzeiro do Sul to support new ecotourism business development. An eco-friendly B&B will be built 100% in-line with the New Hope Project and provide two vehicles to handle visitor logistics.

The New Hope Project is underway, but it is a race against the clock. The Quality-of-Life initiatives will create both environmental and social benefits for generations to come, but only if all the indigenous people of the Amazon can strengthen their communities and stop deforestation before it’s too late.

Preserve the People – Preserve the Forest
Help us plant the seeds for Hope today.