CTR Foundation seeks to empower the indigenous people of the Amazon with sustainable and green, life-enhancing infrastructures that preserve culture, creates independence, and protect the fragility of their natural habitat.

Through philanthropic operations and charitable grants, the CTR Foundation is bringing abundance and prosperity to indigenous territories by supporting the lives of the people who inhabit them.
Our manifesto begins with Rainforests of South America.

Amazonia is the most biodiverse habitat in the world, with the richest tree species per Hectare worldwide, but is also in the midst of a tipping point crisis. The Amazon is at the beginning of metastasis or the irreversible destruction of the ecosystem. Because of the amount of biodiversity in the region metastasis will not only impact the region, but the entire planet. As of today, 26% of the Amazonian territories has been destroyed due to deforestation.

People are the Key to Preservation

A regional assessment on where and how to protect the Amazon reveals that eliminating deforestation is directly connected to the indigenous people. They are the guardians of the Amazon and it’s best, last hope for preservation.

Read the full report on the Crisis by COICA and Stand.earth..

Our Project Goals

Establish infrastructure to harvest the power of the sun and strengthen the social pillars of the Amazonian indigenous communities.


Collaborate with partner foundations to improve core ingredients to maintain project balance and create long-term sustainability.


Replicate the project and make non-invasive support available to all indigenous tribes to preserve the entirety of the Amazon Rainforest.


Our Quality-of-Life Initiatives

Sustainable Energy Sources

Clean Water Systems

Alternative Transportation

Economic Independence

Education Platforms

Plant Medicine Gardens

CTR Foundation’s pilot New Hope Project, will plant the seed for a unified Amazon of indigenous people. The project will be established in the village of New Hope initially, then be replicated at 11 more villages in the Yawanawá Nation. Once the Yawanawá Nation has been strengthened, the project will be offered to all the indigenous people of the Amazon to strengthen every nation, shielding the lives of both the indigenous tribes and the rain forests from outside incursion.